Loud Snorers
Can bear the brunt of bad jokes, but in reality snoring is no laughing matter. In some cases, snoring can signify blocked airways – a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. As the air forces its way through, it creates noisy vibrations, but for patients with sleep apnea, the air may not be getting through at all. Yikes! Such lapses in breath due to blocked airways can prevent a person from ever receiving a truly restful night’s slumber, and it has been linked to more serious conditions, such as:
- Memory loss
- Depression
- Heart attack
- Premature death
- Stroke
- High blood pressure
Lack of oxygen and lack of sleep can have serious ramifications on your health, as well as your day-to-day quality of living. Patients with sleep apnea often report excessive daytime drowsiness, inability to concentrate, and short tempers. Fortunately, treatment for sleep apnea has simplified over the years, allowing dentists to provide a safe, effective, and comfortable alternative to the traditional CPAP machine.